Jazz Tour : Carillon Tribute to Mario Stantchev
The Jazz Tour will open at 12 noon on Saturday 2 December at Lyon’s Hôtel de Ville, where the chimes will ring out to the sound of jazz, in tribute to Mario Stantchev, who left us in music during the summer of 2023.
JAZZ(s)RA, in agreement with Mario Stantchev’s family and his most faithful companions, wanted to open this day of jazz open to the public by paying tribute. A solemn but offbeat tribute, graceful but politically incorrect, as Lionel Martin, to whom we owe these words, told us when we told him of this original intention. The intention was to pay tribute to a man born in Sofia to a Bulgarian father and a French mother, who went on to Lyon, where he set up the jazz department at the Conservatoire, and enjoyed a brilliant career as an instrumentalist and composer. Mario, to whom jazz in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region owes so much, has trained, passed on, renewed, upset, fascinated and surprised so many…
We’ll be ringing the bells as a discreet tribute to the people of Lyon, playing jazz themes, Mario’s melodies, Bulgarian colours and syncopated phrasing every hour of the afternoon from 12 noon until 6pm.
The instrument will be played by the city of Lyon’s official carillonneur, Charles Dairay, with the help of a number of volunteer pianists – Mario’s friends and pupils – who will be able to learn how to play this majestic instrument, and spread Mario’s smile throughout the streets around Lyon’s City Hall, all the way to the top of the Croix Rousse hill, and who knows, as far away as Sofia…
View Mario Stantchev’s biography
Please note: several tributes in the AURA region will be dedicated to him throughout 2024. We’ll keep you posted on the JAZZ(s)RA website here: www.jazzsra.fr
In 1914, mayor Edouard Herriot installed a carillon, following the example of northern European cities, which was installed after the First World War. Restored in 1989, it was extended in 1991 by 36 bells, bringing the total to 65 bells weighing between 6 and 4,800 kg. In 1996, for the G7, 8 bells from 1914 were replaced by new ones that were perfectly tuned. Since then, the carillon at Lyon’s City Hall has become one of the largest in Europe, and the instrument has been played by international musicians.
En 1914, Edouard Herriot, maire, installe, à l’instar des villes d’Europe du Nord, un carillon, mis en place après la 1ère guerre mondiale. Restauré en 1989, il a été agrandi en 1991 de 36 cloches, le portant à 65 cloches de 6 à 4 800 kg. En 1996, pour le G7, 8 cloches de 1914 ont été remplacées par des neuves parfaitement accordées. Depuis, le carillon de l’Hôtel de Ville de Lyon fait partie des plus grands d’Europe et l’instrument a été joué par des musiciens internationaux.
Line up
Charles Dairay : Maître Carillonneur officiel de la Ville de Lyon ; pianistes volontaires
Location: Hôtel de Ville | City Hall
1 place de la Comédie 69001 Lyon