Young audience Slowmeetings
Based on 15-minute meetings, these face-to-face meetings between artists/producers and programmers/representatives of networks and institutions provide an ideal opportunity to present your artistic project and the approaches that surround it (artistic and cultural education, distribution strategy, etc.).
Registration is now open! Contact us if you wish to participate at – all the programmers are French-speaking.
The slowmeetings are organised by JAZZ(s)RA in partnership with RamDam, who are responsible for coordinating the event.
An email will be sent to all accredited professionals for the day of Thursday 30 November for registration. Please note: there will be one representative per organisation to ensure that as many people as possible benefit from the one-to-one meetings.
Location: H7 | Room 1 + 2
70 Quai Perrache, 69002 Lyon

Martha Spinoux
Théâtre des Clochards Célestes Programmation
Sarah Mattera
Mille Formes Directrice
Laetitia Mendez
Epicerie Moderne Action Culturelle, Relations avec les Publics & Programmation Jeune Public
Camille Soler
RamDam Coordinatrice
Iman Fajri
SACEM Responsable du pôle Jeune Public de la direction de l’action culturelle
Tullia Tarsia in Curia
Opéra de Lyon Responsable éditoriale de l'action culturelle
Amelia Boyet
Le Ciel Co-directrice
Emmanuelle Durand
Les Nuits de Fourvière Co-directrice
Claire Rouet
La Baie des Singes
Joséphine Grollemund
Les Détours de Babel - CIMN / JAZZ(s)RA Co-Directrice artistique et générale / Vice-Présidente
Sébastien Debeuf
Ligue de l'Enseignement de Haute-Loire - FOL 43 Chargé de mission Culture Éducation & Jeunesse
Sébastien Perret
Ligue de l'Enseignement de Haute-Loire - FOL43 Directeur
Cécile Desroches
Le Train Théâtre Programmation jeune public & action culturelle
Marine Dardant-Pennaforte
Sabine Dauchat
Jazz dans le Bocage
Chloé Cibert
Jazz à Vienne Chargée de projets et de l’action culturelle