What does the future hold for the professional insertion of musicians?
French-speaking meeting.
This round table will present data gathered from several surveys that have been completed or are currently underway: Comparative study of professional integration schemes in the music sector, Study on the professional integration & employment of artists under 50 years of age who have obtained a diploma and/or certification in Jazz & Contemporary Music in the AURA region, Study on the future of students who have graduated from the CMDL – Centre Musical Didier Lockwood, Survey on male-female representativeness in Jazz and Contemporary Music teaching within educational establishments.
We’ll be looking at the form and content of integration paths, which in the age of direct communication via networks, need to adapt to changes in a sector suffering from a multifactorial crisis. The aim will be to identify what can be considered a success in an integration and professionalization pathway, and to observe how the players (artists, teaching, production and distribution structures) must adapt to these new realities to continue to train and support performers in professional integration.
Location: H7 | Salle 1
70 Quai Perrache, 69002 Lyon

Chantal Charlier
CMDL Directrice - Coordinatrice Internationale
Stefan Gies
Association Européenne des Conservatoires (AEC) Chief Executive
Bernard Descotes
JAZZ(s)RA / Jazz à Barraux Membre du bureau de Jazz(s)RA - Membre fondateur du festival JAZZ à BARRAUX
Florent Guerin
Pôle emploi Scènes et Images Directeur adjoint
Bob Revel
Expert / Chargé de mission