Regional Current Music : which territory to shape music today ?
French-speaking meeting.
Introductory comments to the grand conference: Live music in the regions
In progress
Grand conference: Live music in the regions: what kind of territory is needed to think about music today?
Decentralisation, European development, cross-border relations, regional enlargement, development of metropolises… What are the territories today for imagining cultural cooperation? What are the scales for artistic development and circulation?
Actors in the field, directors who have been involved in their territory for many years, from the four corners of the AuRA region, will present us with a current picture of the issues at stake, through their difficulties and successes, the relationship between actors, artists, the population, producers and associative actors, as well as local elected representatives.
The current mapping of the DRAC’s territorial action will enable us to discuss the effectiveness of public policies in the field of culture, the commitment of players in the field and elected representatives, and thus outline future prospects for a shared and ambitious territorial cultural action.
Location: H7 | Great Hall
70 Quai Perrache, 69002 Lyon
Pierre Dugelay
Le Périscope / JAZZ(s)RA
Claire Rouet
La Baie des Singes
Joséphine Grollemund
Les Détours de Babel - CIMN / JAZZ(s)RA Co-Directrice artistique et générale / Vice-Présidente
Jeff Braun
SMAC 07 Directeur
Marc Drouet
DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Directeur Régional des Affaires Culturelles Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes