
[FOOTPRINTS] Curent challenges in the sector : solutions and key actions


English-speaking meeting

10h15-10h30: The global issues – Virgo Sillama
10h30-10h45: The ecological issue – Richard Phillips [videoconference]
10h45-11h: The regional issue – Karolina Juzwa

Over the last three years, the Footprints project – sustainable music across europe has been working on ways of looking at the live music sector and its artistic tours in a more sustainable way, in order to respond to the unprecedented ecological crisis in a complicated context for the live music sector.

How can we support artists and ensure the artists’ circulation today?

In these 3 keynotes, we’ll be looking at the challenges facing our sector, from global to day-to-day issues, from international to local, using the climate crisis as a common thread to challenge our businesses, our values and our missions.

Footprints is a project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

Location: H7 | Great Hall

70 Quai Perrache, 69002 Lyon

[FOOTPRINTS] Curent challenges in the sector : solutions and key actions


Virgo Sillama

Emee (Belgium)  Research Coordinator

Karolina Juzwa

Wytwornia / International Jazz Platform (Poland)  Director intljp

Richard Phillips

Julie's Bicycle  Climate Change and Sustainability Specialist : Music