Each of Toto ST‘s songs is at once a true stroll through the musical landscape of Angola, and a return to the deep roots of world music with the rhythms of Africa. Toto ST achieves an exquisite fusion of Afro-jazz, funk, soul, R&B and African rhythms such as Kilapanga (a traditional rhythm from Angola and Congo).
Ava comes from soul and Tar, number eight, which is from my spiritual initiation and at the same time the messenger, the one who is aware of certain aspects beyond those little ones you hear you have, who manages to translate the messages from Above”, explains Toto ST. AVA-TAR is a hymn to awareness, courage and hope.
Toto ST composed AVA-TAR between 2020 and 2021, in view of the political, social and economic situation in Angola. Toto ST can no longer bear to see young mothers scavenging to feed their children, in a country as rich as Angola: oil, precious metals, arable land…
In terms of music, AVA-TAR is no exception to Toto ST’s signature style: a true fusion of Southern African rhythms and the Afro-soul that characterizes him, all driven by his uniquely timbred voice. The first track, AVA-TAR, returns to spiritual roots with both Indian chanting and the songs of the Bantu tribes – “bantu” means “human” in Kikongo, the speakers of Bantu languages. ZUNGUEIRA is a fine tribute to the Angolan women who invade the streets early in the morning to sell fruit and other goods, the strongest link in the economy. MANGA DE 10 is a poignant denunciation of the “installed” pedophilia that no one names, towards young girls caught in the trap. LIBERDADE is a hymn to freedom, denouncing society’s shortcomings.
AVA-TAR is a committed album, and this is how Toto ST is perceived in his country: one who says things, who denounces, but also one who brings joy and hope, with compositions and melodies that are always incredibly rich. Toto ST is a live performer, where his vocal improvisations are at their best.
Line up
- Serpiao Tomas : vocals, guitar
- Achille Ouattara : bass
- Ewerton Oliveira : keys
- Wendlavim Zabsonré : drums
Location: Le Périscope - Great Hall
13 Delandine 69002 Lyon